John Milton

The last Renaissance man.

John Cousins
3 min readJan 18, 2023


Photo by Radu Florin on Unsplash

John Milton is considered one of the last “Renaissance men” because of his wide-ranging knowledge and expertise in various subjects.

He was a poet, a historian, a political writer, and a theologian, and he was considered one of the most learned men of his time. He was also fluent in several languages, including Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.

Milton’s most famous work, “Paradise Lost,” is a complex and learned poem that draws on his knowledge of classical literature, theology, and history.

John Milton is considered the last person to know almost everything. The term “Renaissance man” describes someone well-versed in multiple fields of knowledge, and Milton certainly fits this description.

However, it’s worth noting that the “Renaissance man” concept is based on an idealized view of the past. There were undoubtedly other individuals who were similarly well-educated during Milton’s time.

John Milton is best known as the author of the epic poem “Paradise Lost,” which explores the biblical story of Adam and Eve and their fall from grace.

Milton also had a keen interest in the occult and the power of magic.

I am fascinated by the idea of lost knowledge. There were ways of understanding and manipulating the world…

